Dragon Eggs, also known as Emma Eggs, Ema Eggs, Seer Stones or Window Pebbles, are crystal pebbles that are first roughly tumbled to give a frosted exterior, then one side is highly polished to bring out the beauty of the natural stone.
The dragon egg is said to be useful for meditation and inner reflection, increasing focus and healing energy.
Labradorite is the stone for transformation
It is said to deflect negative energies, calm an overactive mind and relieve stress. This stone stimulates intuition and psychic gifts.
Labradorite healing properties:
As well as promoting psychic abilities, strengthening the will and stimulating the imagination, labradorite is also a calming stone - it physically regulates metabolism, balances hormones and lowers blood pressure.
Size approx. 30-35mm diameter of polished face and 20-25mm depth.