Ancient Wisdom

Cypress Essential Oil


Cypress Essential Oil
Latin name: cupressus sempervirens

Extraction by steam distillation using young twigs and needles

Watery viscosity
Scent is woody, mildly spicy and refreshing
Colour is clear to pale yellow

Comfort for aching limbs and fatigue, especially when stress related
Helps hormonal imbalance
Helps with varicose veins and haemorrhoids
Useful where there is excessive bleeding nose bleeds or heavy menstruation
Also with excess fluids heavy perspiration, bronchitis, haemorrhages and fluid retention
Good for oily skin and wounds

Other applications:
Antidepressant - can be used to calm the mind and dispel anger

Considered to be non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing (though take care if you have sensitive skin)
Not recommended for use during pregnancy
Not for babies or infants

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